Kent Circle@0,75x.png

My name is Daniela Kent and I teach Junior English (College and Advanced Prep) in addition to coaching teachers through our new textbook adoption and technology integration. I currently have a 21st century technology pilot classroom, which has provided me with great insight in classroom design and technology implementation.

When I am not at school, you can find me working out, raising two boys, and discovering new technology. I am also a huge digital information consumer, hoping to grow my own influence in the edtech and fashion communities.

Let’s set some trends!

Summer School Style Series Day #15

Summer School Style Series Day #15

#BREAKOUT from Summer School and learn on my own at Arcadia Innovation 2018. This day is one of my favorite opportunities to see teachers, administrators, and other visionaries showcasing their technological and intellectual innovations with others in the area. I look forward to this every year because it is a day where I take away valuable lessons and tools to share with my students and colleagues at my school site, and now beyond. I will be posting in Tech Resources once I put it all together. Stay tuned on Twitter @trenddteacher and Instagram @trenddteacher for more information and fun!


Today's outfit details can be shopped below! Happy Friday!


Luz Lozano is not only an amazing educator, but a LEGIT photographer! Thanks Luz (a.k.a. Liz). 

Luz Lozano is not only an amazing educator, but a LEGIT photographer! Thanks Luz (a.k.a. Liz). 

A few things I am LOVING for Summer 2018

Summer School Style Series Day #14

Summer School Style Series Day #14